War Paint
"Life's battles discussed and brushed away!"
Service Description
In this world filled with conflicts, troubles, and addictions my belief is that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Spiritual warfare; the battles of and for the mind, is a very real thing. I would dare to say even more real and more intense than the things we fight physically. Understanding, we’re going to find it hard to wrestle with an enemy we can’t see, so it’s important to identify and point out the problem to properly deal with and defeat it once and for all. I’ve discovered a unique way to seek out and address these issues, by painting them on canvas. Helping myself and others find freedom through the form of expression I know best...ART! I call this method of battle, War Paint! Though we will have fun and find peace through the painting, this is not your ordinary paint party or a way to escape the issues of life. Here at War Paint we keep you in the fight! Confronting the harsh realities head on, and hanging them up to dry as a reminder that the battle is already won! So join me at the next session for necessary conversation, paintings of substance and inspiration. The Victory always belongs to you at War Paint, where life’s issues are discussed and brushed away!
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